Data dependencies

Many steps in the pipeline require access to reference databases. These reference databases are very big and are often already downloaded by the system administrators. As such they are not included in the container images.

To run the pipeline you need to know the absolute paths for the below reference databases.

  • minimap2
  • kraken2 and bracken
  • humann
    • CHOCOPhlAn
    • uniref
  • metaphlan CHOCOPhlAn database

You might also need to set up path binding when deploying the containers.

If you are missing any reference datasets, see below for download information.

QC: decontamination step

Minimap2requires reference genome, we used the Humann reference genome GRCh38.p14 from NCBI (~800MB) (download the Genomic sequence, fasta file)

Taxonomy profiling

Kraken2requires taxonomy reference databasePre-built:
Brackenbuild indexes from Kraken2 databasePre-built: or see the Bracken build tutorial

Functional profiling

HUMAnN database

apptainer exec $SANDBOX humann_databases --available


HUMAnN Databases ( database : build = location )
chocophlan : full =
chocophlan : DEMO =
uniref : uniref50_diamond =
uniref : uniref90_diamond =
uniref : uniref50_ec_filtered_diamond =
uniref : uniref90_ec_filtered_diamond =
uniref : DEMO_diamond =
utility_mapping : full =
  • The first command creates a new folder ~/refDB/humann3 in your home directory
  • The next three commands install the three required databases
    • note that many HPC systems have limited space in your home directory (~).
  • Replace ~/refDB/humann3 with your preferred location as needed, if installing to external path remember to set path binding.
$ mkdir -p ~/refDB/humann3
$ apptainer exec $SANDBOX humann_databases --download chocophlan full ~/refDB/humann3
$ apptainer exec $SANDBOX humann_databases --download uniref uniref90_diamond ~/refDB/humann3
$ apptainer exec $SANDBOX humann_databases --download utility_mapping full ~/refDB/humann3
  • After installation, check the files
tree -d ~/refDB/humann3
├── chocophlan
├── uniref
└── utility_mapping

MetaPhlAn database

mkdir -p ~/refDB/metaphlan_databases
apptainer exec $SANDBOX metaphlan --install --bowtie2db ~/refDB/metaphlan_databases/

Installing to external path

If you are using the MIMA container to install reference databases to a location other than your home directory, remember to set path binding.

The example below uses -B parameter:

apptainer exec -B /another/loc/metaphlan_databases:/another/loc/metaphlan_databases $SANDBOX metaphlan --install --bowtie2db /another/loc/metaphlan_databases

Last modified 25.09.2024